Rewrite your self-limiting or self-sabotaging beliefs so that your subconscious patterns support you from now on!
What is PSYCH-K®?
A PSYCH-K® is a non-invasive, interactive change process that has been proven successful for over 30 years. It’s a simple yet powerful method for transforming subconscious beliefs that do not serve us.
It combines various modern and ancient techniques, utilizing cutting-edge findings in neuroscience. Through this pioneering approach, PSYCH-K® helps transform limiting beliefs and subconscious patterns for those who use the method.
The PSYCH-K® process goes beyond visualization, affirmations, or positive thinking. It’s especially effective in areas such as behavior and habit change, well-being, and stress reduction.
How did this come about ?
If you’re already familiar with my site or with me , you might know that my primary focus is Ayurveda, an ancient Indian medical science so old it’s often referred to as the “mother of all healing”. Its methods are gentle yet highly effective, with a complex, interconnected worldview, or what’s now commonly called a holistic approach. This means it doesn’t focus on a specific illness, organ, or system but on the individual and their relationship with their environment. It’s a root-cause therapythat primarily seeks to uncover underlying issues and provide long-term solutions, rather than simply eliminating symptoms.Its therapeutic methods are enduring and sometimes time-consuming, with no quick-fix pills that magically solve everything at once.In modern terms, it’s a kind of lifestyle medicine, backed by vast Vedic wisdom and knowledge.
I deeply believe in the methods of Ayurveda and have experienced its effectiveness ever since I first encountered it. I practice it in my own life, observe its impact on others, and teach it.
At the same time, Ayurveda is open; it doesn’t reject any method that aligns with its values and helps people achieve their goals.My experience shows that Ayurveda’s deep, often energy-intensive processes—like establishing a suitable daily routine or diet—can encounter obstacles due to people’s subconscious, “autopilot” belief systems or self-sabotaging patterns. I frequently see people who fully understand, for example, the importance and benefits of a daily routine or the logic behind nutritional recommendations, and who are very eager to incorporate these into their lives—yet somehow, they can’t manage to do so.This can happen even when the goal is no longer just prevention or maintaining health but recovering from a serious illness.And sometimes, people facing health challenges will temporarilydo everything to get well, but once they’ve achieved that goal, they quickly fall back into their usual—self-limiting or even overtly self-destructive—patterns.
n consultations, I often hear statements like:
“I know I should be doing this, but I don’t… and then I hate myself for it!”
t’s painful to hear this because I can only show the path; everyone must put in the work themselves to live healthily. I can’t live properly for anyone else… so how can I still help? I decided to look for a solution to this problem.
Bruce H. Lipton, PhD
You may have already heard his name, but if not, let me introduce him: Dr. Bruce Lipton is an internationally renowned stem cell biologist,author of the bestseller The Biology of Belief as well as numerous other books, a speaker at countless international conferences, recipient of many valuable awards, and a leading expert in quantum physics and one of the founding figures of epigenetics.
I was fortunate enough to have the opportunity to meet Dr. Lipton in person at a small, professional discussion. After that, I followed his work with even greater enthusiasm and am a proud member of his community. This gave me the chance to discuss the problem mentioned above with him. I felt there was no more credible or knowledgeable doctor to whom I could pose my question:
How can we effectively—and, if possible, in a short time—override beliefs that, often unbeknownst to us (as that’s their very nature), prevent us from doing what’s best for us?
Dr. Lipton had a long answer and a short one; the longer was more scientific, and the short answer was this: PSYCH-K®.
The next step was clear to me: I learned the method!

Dr. Lipton’s recommendation was convincing, but what was even more so was when I began applying PSYCH-K® on myself. It’s truly convincing! And this is what I recommend to everyone:
Try it for yourself—there’s no risk. The worst that can happen is that nothing changes.
- The areas of your life where you currently feel stuck, without understanding why, might begin to transform.
- You don’t have to keep running in circles, finding yourself in the same situations again and again, finding yourself in the same situations again and again, wondering why it keeps happening.
- You can shift your perspective on situations that have continually ended in failure,such as losing weight, letting go of harmful habits, or stressing over things you can’t control.
- You might simply relieve the stress associated with situations that have been clouded by tension, even if you don’t yet know what past trauma may have triggered that stress.
It’s important to know that you can only come to me with these questions if we already know each other. I offer PSYCH-K® facilitation only to my existing clients and students, so please book a session only if we’ve discussed it in advance.
Otherwise, feel free to reach out, and I’ll gladly recommend a professional and experienced practitioner for you!
The fee for a PSYCH-K® Facilitation session is 30,000 HUF (60 minutes).
On the booking page, scroll to the bottom of the list for PSYCH-K® Facilitation... but first, click the button below 👇🏼
Feel free to reach out!